Thursday, April 19, 2012

RAIN..... Grrrrrr ;~)

So I leave on Saturday and it looks like rain all weekend, but before I freak about my vacation being ruined (drama I thought I would double check with some experts, if there is rain in Ka%26#39;anapali we should just head south or vise versa, right?? Isn%26#39;t there some hope, don%26#39;t actually mind some warm tropical sprinkles for a little bit just know I will be over it after a day or two you know.

Any advise to ease my fears???

Thanks in advance!


RAIN..... Grrrrrr ;~)…


RAIN..... Grrrrrr ;~)

What DH and I usually do is look towards South Maui and figure if it looks cloudy/rainy there; if not, then drive down. This works also when it is raining in South Maui, and looking towards West Maui to check for better weather.

I have also compiled a list of rainy day activities:

Snorkeling (if no lightning and water is not murky)


Just relax on the lanai listening to the rain

Look for rainbows

Maui Ocean Center

Check out hotels (for future reference)

Scoop out different restaurants %26amp; bars

House/condo hunting

Shopping Grand Wailea, Lahaina, Whaler Village, etc

Hawaii Nature Center

Art Galleries in Lahaina

Whaling Museum

Sugar Mill Museum

Explore island

Participate in hotel activities

Pick up ';rainday activities'; from Grand Wailea

By the way, isolated showers does not necessarily mean rain on the beach. Typically in Hawaii it is rain in the mountains and by the time it gets to the beaches on the west side of the island(s) it might be just sprinkles or nothing at all.

During our entire 12 day stay it only rained real hard once, and 15 minutes later it was done. It occasionally sprinkled but with it being 90 degrees outside it was welcomed. Lahaina gets less rain than Ka%26#39;anapali %26amp; Kapalua though, and is about 5 degrees warmer, so if it did start to rain for an extended period of time I%26#39;d head to Lahaina and the odds are weather is different there... the saying ';If you don%26#39;t like the weather, wait 15 minutes or drive a few miles'; definitely applies to Maui.

Weather .com is usually not accurate for Hawaii weather. I recommend going to, and click on the island you are visiting, then the part of the island you are staying. This gives you the official National Weather Service forecast in a user friendly format. Note that even on the nicest day they will often list the chance of rain at 20%. That is not a concern, as that is for the whole region you are checking on. Also, some regions have temperature ranges. The warmest temps are on the beach at sea level, and the coolest are upcountry. Relax, the weather should be fine. Have a great trip!

My trip in mid August showed some of the days at 40 and 50% chance of rain. In my 5 trips to Maui, I have never experienced more than 5 minutes of rain. Have a great trip!

Thank you so much everyone, I knew I was jumping the gun a little bit!

I appreciate all the info!



Every time I have traveled to the tropics (Big Island, Puerta Vallarta, Cozumel) I have checked the online weather forecasts and they have always called for rain! The only time it%26#39;s ever rained on me was last summer in Cozumel. We woke up at the dock and it was pouring, we went and had breakfast and by the time we left the ship the rain had mostly stopped. It started raining again just as we got to the beach, but it was a warm rain, we swam anyway. It was awesome jumping on the water trampoline with a light warm rain coming down. It cleared up and ended up being a perfect, hot muggy Caribbean day! Almost everythng you would want to do can still be done in the rain, as long as it%26#39;s not too windy or lightening.

The rain comes and goes ... it%26#39;s warm and refreshing. Not to worry. I%26#39;m sure that the folks who live on the Island are thankful for every drop!

No rain, no rainbows......

Rain? What rain? We are in a terrible drought right now. If we have one cloud in the sky, then reports ';partly cloudy, chance of rain';. Don%26#39;t believe it.

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