Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time Shares

I have heard that sitting in on time share presentations can save a great deal on activities such as snorkel trips, helicopter trips and so on. Which are the good ones and are they worth it? Are the sales people like vultures or easy to say no to? Any comments appreciated.




Time Shares

well you can get like $100 off total...... and need to be scheduled in advance.... post a credit card # as a reservation, they say a 1.5 hour presentation...... but you are not to have any scheduled plans for 3 hours after that..... do the math... they continue to change salesman on you.. each progressive in his pressure. Basic fact you spent pretty much the entire day. They will try to get you on alll soets of activites first... and if you dont show or walk out then can back bill your card ( the one you gave) Plus you have to have both members of a couple ( so they can work on each seperately)

earn over 50K a year, and own a home , not be a student, to even attend. The person who signs you up will tell you its ok to say anything..wink wink.... but when you dont qualify.... you loose all your discounts and get blled on the credit card.... suprise suprise.

and you sign a document that gives them the OK......

The people who get you to sign up get paid between$ 50 and $200 just you get you in the door..... They know from experience that 30 to40% of the people through door breakdown and buy.... some to just stop the pressure......... Some keep oxygen and meds in the desk.... and get hungry... they have stacks of box breakfast, lunch and dinner.. so you can continue the process....... leave.. why.???

its very easy to end up wasting 5 hours

Vultures ? they eat you when your dead... time share salesmen here eat you when your still alive....It is HUGE PROFIT for them

Child molesters get more respect in my book than time share salesmen.........

Its a waste of your vacation.... for very little in return.... and very dishonest on both sides.... you, wanting to get something for nothing.. and the time shares that want to stick it to you as much as possible...

call the activites direct you want... ... the better activites dont work with timeshares.....

I am not a fan if you get my drift... I have known a lot of people who worked in the area... and many left because they could no longer live with themselves.........

Time Shares

Ever hear the saying ';You get what you pay for';? Generally the activites they do offer are lower tier...that is the reason they get them because no one buys them. Unless you really want a timeshare just pay the money for the activites and enjoy ALL your time in paradise. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

If you still decide to go and you cave in to the pressure, just remember, you have a seven day time period to rescind the deal. It%26#39;s the law in Hawaii.

Unless you are really interested in buying a timeshare I say don%26#39;t do it. They will brow-beat you until you can%26#39;t take it anymore. You are travelling all the way to Hawaii and you don%26#39;t want to spend precious hours listening to their BS. And the activities they send you to aren%26#39;t worth much. I%26#39;m actually a timeshare owner and when we bought we knew we were going to buy. (friends/family had same one and I really like it - but I%26#39;d recommend a timeshare resale company before buying direct - much cheaper!) I%26#39;ve also gone to get the free whatever, and the last time I swore I%26#39;d never do it again and I won%26#39;t!

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