Thursday, April 19, 2012

HELP--AA fare just went way up...

Okay, so this morning I purchased a round trip ticket for myself to Maui on American Airlines for May 2008. I got the ticket for $385 (from LAX). However, when my boyfriend went to purchase his ticket on the same flight a few minutes ago, the fare had jumped to $524! I have been checking all the travel sites and they all have the highter $524 fare as well. So now my question is this: Should he book the flight with the higher fare, or wait to see if it goes down? Obviously we want to be on the same flight. I checked the number of seats left on my flight, and the plane is only 1/4 full. Any suggestions?

HELP--AA fare just went way up...

Honey -- it%26#39;s a turkey shoot. There is no magic bullet. If you want to make sure that you are on the same flight --- and sit together --- he should buy his ticket now. Anything can happen ... prices could go way up or down depending on any number of unknown factors.

Do call American and ask .... can%26#39;t hurt.

HELP--AA fare just went way up...

What exact dates are your flights? I tried and put in a few dates and got fares as low as $386.


Well, to make you feel better--I keep checking our flight in June 2008. I need to buy one ticket to match up to 2 AA ff tickets that I already have. The fare is $984!! I keep holding the seats every 2 days, but I know to have the seat I want I need to buy it soon.

This year we went in June and I bought my husband%26#39;s tickets several months early, for about $900! I thought the fare would go down, but it never did. The plane just kept getting fuller and was sold out weeks before the flight.

I would usually tell you to wait til it goes on sale, but who knows how full the flight will be when that happens. Fares have been high during peak times. They are pretty low now, but that doesn%26#39;t help unless you can go now!

PS - I assumed an LAX departure - perhaps a poor assumption.


Lord Balfour: Yes, it%26#39;s an LAX departure. Departing May 3, returning May 18. I see the $364 fare as well, but it%26#39;s for a later flight. I am on the 10:00 a.m. flight. I guess we have to decide if he wants to arrive later, or just buck up and pay the extra $150.

He has the flight on hold, so I guess we have a day or so to figure it out.

BLBL: I called American but the only thing they said they could do was to put us both on the later flight. I may end up doing that...

The 10:00 am flight will get you to Maui at a decent time to get settled in before nightfall. It may be worth it.

Wow, the $386 seems like a really good price! I can only dream of prices like that in June. You know, even $524 isn%26#39;t outrageous to me. I guess if I were you I%26#39;d take them up on switching you to the later flight so you can fly with him. I%26#39;m assuming that they are going to switch you for no cost?

Trixxee: Yeah, they will switch me for no cost. Now I%26#39;m leaning more toward having him book the more expensive earlier flight because, since I was able to get my ticket so cheap, it kind of evens out. $150 difference split between the two of us is only $75, which is probably worth it to be able to arrive at noon rather than 7:00 p.m. But $150 would buy us a pretty nice dinner. What to do...

that suxx, we were trying to schedule a trip with some wishy washy freinds. Had a great deal on Aloha for $289 but we could not get them to confirm the dates, next day went to about $550.

Airlines will drive you crazy.

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