Thursday, April 12, 2012

Best Restaurants in Waikiki

I%26#39;m taking the family to Honolulu in a few months but haven%26#39;t been in over a decade. I%26#39;ve heard that the dining scene has improved dramatically in recent years. We%26#39;ll have a couple of nites with a baby-sitter watching the kids and would like to know which are the best restaurants in the Waikiki area.

We%26#39;re big fans of the Hawaiian/Asian fusion cuisine. Price usually not an issue.

Would love to hear your suggestions. Thanks!

Best Restaurants in Waikiki

Hi Steveprez; I can give you 3 that are on my list when we visit in July.

Alan Wong%26#39;s:

Roy%26#39;s (There%26#39;s a new one that just opened up on Waikiki BeachWalk.

and Hoku%26#39;s:

Hope this helps!

Best Restaurants in Waikiki

Steveprez ... you are limited if you are looking for Hawaii Regional and/or Pacific Rim/Asian Fusion types of dinner in Waikiki.

Roy%26#39;s at the new Waikiki Beachwalk complex is an excellent choice in Waikiki located across Halekulani Hotel.

They are a few that I have tried outside of Waikiki, within driving or taxi and they are Indigo Eurasion Restaurant downtown on Nuuanu Avenue, Chai%26#39;s Island Bistro at Aloha Tower Marketplace and Hiroshi Eurasion Tapas at Restaurant Row.

Go to click on to restaurant guide and you will find a large list of restaurant to include the different type of ethnic restaurants.

Go luck.

islekane: Aren%26#39;t Alan Wong%26#39;s %26amp; Hoku%26#39;s ';Hawaiian/Asian'; fusion?

steve .... the last time I went to Hoku%26#39;s after the renovations, it seemed like they had more Indian type dishes. Using a lot of Hawaiian ingredients and products, you will find a limited asian fusion type of meals. But, everything is still good and great.

Allan Wongs is about the same, without the indian flair. When I compare Indigo with asian fusion with the others, I don%26#39;t believe anyone comes closer that Indigo when it comes to asian fusion with a touch of Hawaiian flair.

Did I say this right, anyway, both restaurant (Hoku%26#39;s and Allan Wong%26#39;s) are great.

islekane: I thank you so much for your input here. I too, want to do restaurants with the Hawaiian/Asian fusion.

That%26#39;s why I gave ';Steve'; those recommendations....

I booked last September and have ben doing ';food'; research'; since!

For real ';Hawaiian'; we plan to go to ';Ono Hawaiian Foods'; on Kahula.

We%26#39;re on Waikiki for a month, so I%26#39;ve booked all ';high end'; Sunday Brunches...Orchids, Surf Room, Sam Choy%26#39;s Diamond Head, and finally Hoku%26#39;s....(I wanted Banyan Veranda, but had to substitue the Surf Room! as Banyan Veranda won%26#39;t be open while we%26#39;re there)


Kapahula, I meant.... :-)

Christine, very good choices for Sunday brunch. One that you don%26#39;t have on your list is at the Hyatt Regency Resort. Although Chao Mein Restaurant on the second level in the Ewa Tower is not a Pacific Rim/Asian Fusion type restaurant, the Chao Mein brunch with champagne is another one of my favorites. Serving Chinese/Italian with both a chinese and italian chef to cook to order, this a different enthnic experience in food tasting.

Suggestion, squeeze Chao Mein in on a sunday and switch the Surf Room with the crab legs for a Saturday brunch. Just a thought.

';Ono-licious time';

';Live Aloha';

Try the Outback Restaurant on Ala Moana Boulevard - just where the canal meets the yacht club. Next door is Red Lobster - yummy. Also, the Cheesecake Factory in the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Centre - ground floor opposite Macy%26#39;s has the biggest menu I%26#39;ve ever seen. Though the kids may like this place. I just wish they%26#39;d halve their servings!

Along the main street of Kalakua Avenue are little boxes with tourist books, and you%26#39;ll find lots of coupons. Always handy with children in tow. For the kids too, the food hall at Ala Moana Shopping Centre is huge.

Thanks all!

Sounds like a wonderful change from Mexican cucina.


Steve -- Please -- do search back a few months. This posts comes up SO often ... and we all have offered so many good options.

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