Saturday, April 21, 2012

Camera/Digital Camera/Camcorder

Which should I take? ???? Or get something new???

I have a cheap little digital camera but unless it is on really high resolution the pic suck. Indoor pics aren%26#39;t good at all really. Also it takes forever on high resolution to save before it allows you to take another pic. I went to Orlando last year and took my pics all on a lower resolution to save memory space and they came out small and grainy and can%26#39;t tell what half of them are! ERRR

I also have a big bulky HP digital camera that takes excellent shots! but only uses 3.5 floppy disks!!! So I would have to carry around a hundred disks! It also takes 60 second video but that takes up about a whole disk. I can get about 10-17 pics on a disk.

I also have a camcorder but does get heavy pretty quickly. It allows for taking digital pics but they aren%26#39;t the greatest per say.

I also have a 35mm camera but it only has a 28-80 lens. A bit bulky. I would then have the film issue vs. memory cards. It does take pretty good pics.

I don%26#39;t want to miss the trip because I am too busy taking pictures or video either! I went to a presidential rally last year and felt like I missed the whole thing because I was busy trying to take pics that didn%26#39;t even turn out good. ERRRR

My delimia is do I use one of these items that I currently own or invest in a better digital camera? Also I would like something for water activities... I am assuming they allow you to bring cameras in the water while snorkeling? So thus should I get a waterproof camera like the Canon Elph Sport that is APS film I think and it is said that it takes decent pics on land too however has no zoom.

I am confused... does anyone have any opinions with their experiences???

Any help would be greatly appreciated... I leave Oct. 13th! Not far from now :-)

Camera/Digital Camera/Camcorder

I guess of the cameras you mentioned, I would go with the 35mm camera you already own or invest in a better digital camera with memory card. I actually did both and used both. I purchased a canon digital camera shortly before we left and used that primarily, but also took my trusty 35mm camera with and ended up using it when my memory cards filled up. I also purchased two waterproof diposable cameras to use when we snorkeled and parasailed. The pics from those turned out fine too. I like to take pictures and came home from a week long stay with well over 700 pics from one camera or another. I personally don%26#39;t do video. I find that I miss too much stuff trying to get it on video.

Camera/Digital Camera/Camcorder

Now right off the bat I will tell you I am a film fanatic.

I just bought my first digital camera its a Panasonic 5mp with a 6x optical zoom. The optical zoom is very important. with memory card I only spent $320.

I plan on shooting with my profession camera and film on the beach for the portrat shots. the breathtaking oohhh aaahhh pictures.

Using digital for the vacation memorys...we went here and did this.... kind of pictures.

I bought a disposable waterproof for the pool pictures. If you are going to go disposable waterproof look for one with a flash or most underwater shots will be dark.

Do not bother taking digital pictures with your video camera they will not print out well and not worth your time.

If you do not want to spend the money for a new camera I would recomind getting a few disposable cameras with a flash.

Remerber to enjoy paradise and not worry about the pictures a few good shots are better then 100 crappy ones.

good luck


If you are a photo freak -- take the 35mm. I%26#39;ve taken mine (with a 28-200 lens) and felt like I had another piece of luggage, but I%26#39;ve left it behind and been terribly disappointed when I wanted to try some photo trick that my digital wouldn%26#39;t allow.

However, I cannot say enough about having a good digital camera. They are tiny and easy to carry and you can delete all the photo ';experiments'; that don%26#39;t really turn out. First, ditch the camera with the floppy disks. Even the cheapest digital cameras now will have such a high resolution that one photo would be more than 1.4 meg, which means you%26#39;ll get much better photos with something else.

If you plan to use a digital a lot, invest in a decent one ($250-$450, depending on what you want.) I have a Canon, which I don%26#39;t love .... I had a Nikon previously that I left in Hawaii a couple of years ago -- but it was much better than the Canon. I had a friend that took a Casio last year (tiny little flat camera) and came home with the best pictures of all of us. The display on that camera is really big, so you can really frame your photos. (I know Casio%26#39;s reputation for camera%26#39;s isn%26#39;t top-notch, but in this case I think they exceed the expectations.) Get a big memory card ... 512 meg or a gig or so ... and you%26#39;ll have all the photo taking space you need.

As for underwater, if you plan to use it in water a lot you might get something like the Elph sport. Otherwise go with the disposables. You can pick them up for $10/$12 at Wal-Mart. As was previously said, get the ones with the flash. I%26#39;ve never had really great luck with these, although I%26#39;ve gotten some okay snorkeling photos, but I am not sure a waterproof digital camera -- unless it was the top of the line -- will do much better.

Opinions on Cannon Elph Sport (water/land) or Canon Sure Shot (water/land)??? Perhaps I should stick with some throw aways. I guess I wouldn%26#39;t need too many shots in the water but... you never know.

I just looked up some Casio digital camera%26#39;s and they aren%26#39;t cheap!

Yeah I don%26#39;t know how much money I want to invest in equipment for this trip. Yes... I would like to have a really nice new digital camera anyways but I don%26#39;t know if I want to front the money now. Ideally a digital camera with a large zoom would be great but that is a lot of money.

Maybe I will skip the video!


I%26#39;d pass on the water/land type. I have a Canon Rebel and love it. You can get a really good digital camera for not a lot of money. Do a little research before you leave and then maybe take a shopping trip to pick one up here. They aren%26#39;t any more on than on the Mainland (especially at places like Best Buy) and you%26#39;ll save on sales tax. Only 4.16% here.

Oh, and if you do want water shots, the disposable water cameras work just fine.

I would invest in a better digital camera. I just bought the canon sd500. it%26#39;s the 7 pixel. It%26#39;s so awesome! I love to take photos but i%26#39;m not a real pro. The sd500 is small and a great point and shoot camera. I bought a 1 gb disc. With the camera setting on 5 pixel I get about 650 pics. On the 7 pixel setting I get about 500 pics. A 1gb disc was $64 something on The canon%26#39;s also have a line of underwater cases for the cameras which are on average $200. I just buy the disposable underwater cameras. They work great everytime. Have a great trip! I leave oct. 7!

Thanks for all the help!

I have a Sony Mavica FD-91 digital camera and it takes awesome pics! The only problem is... is that it only takes 3.5 floppy disks and the camera is a bit bulky because it has a 14x zoom on it! The camera is probably about 5 years old give or take. At the time we bought it the camera cost around $1,000. So it does take great pics but it is a bit outdated because it only accepts floppy disks! And for traveling it is a bit big...

We have a 5 megapixel camera, now is it that the resolution is too low, because prints look too ';digital'; or is it the result of printing at walgreen%26#39;s? Would the quality necessarily get any better at a real photo shop? These are 4x6%26#39;s too.

We have a 5 megapixel camera, now is it that the resolution is too low, because prints look too ';digital'; or is it the result of printing at walgreen%26#39;s? Would the quality necessarily get any better at a real photo shop? These are 4x6%26#39;s too.

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