Thursday, April 19, 2012


Can anyone tell me how or where to get a hula lesson? I will be in Kona for Ironman this October with a friend who is competing n the race. her Mom wants to hula.

I spent all of April in Keahou but never saw hula at all. We were very busy with hiking, snorkeling and exploring, so much so that we hardly ventured out in the evening.

My companions will be making their first trip to Hawaii to support our %26#39;runner%26#39;, but they would like some of the more traditional activities too.

I would enjoy a dose of Hawaiian culture too but have always avoided the activity kiosks, especially in the many years we spent on Maui.

We also found most prices here to be much higher than on Maui eg for snorkeling or whale watching

We plan to return again for a month next spring, so any advice would be very welcome. And our wanna be hula lady will be thrilled!


Aloha GretaToronto,

Thanks for seeking some information about Hawaiian Culture?

A couple of thoughts for you.

A single hula lesson is not really possible, even if you find this. I might suggest you consider researching the different legitimate Kumu Hula (hula teachers) that teach in the area you will be visiting. If any of them would allow it, you might be able to meet them and observe them working with their haumana (students). If you are really lucky, one of them might agree to work with you, but given your statement about things being expensive, it would be disrespectful to try to do this on the cheap. Don%26#39;t ask if you don%26#39;t see yourself wanting to support the work they do.

If you just want to pretend, some of the hotels probably still have that kind of option for their guests. They might show you how to `ami (hip rotation) and do the hukilau in a skirt made from Easter Egg Grass.

There are some places where you can get some information about learning the different Hawaiian Arts. A web site called Alternative Hawaii might have some leads and a google search on Hawaiian Culture and the Arts could get you something. There is a large Hawaiian Studies program at the University of Hawaii Hilo. Go on-line and see what you find through them.

In any case, your friends deserve a lot of credit for wanting to find the real hidden Hawaii. Just don%26#39;t expect very much of it to be revealed in a hurry to someone in town for the ironman. You might have better luck trying to make a contact for your return in the spring.


Aloha GretaToronto,

The advice from kanekeakalae is very solid and heart felt. I would only add that you check out a web site I find very helpful kaahelehawaii dot com.

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