Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kayak Kauai

Can anyone recommend a kayak company and tour in Kauai?

Kayak Kauai

I kayaked the napali coast last may and loved it. It was difficult but an unbeleiveable experience. My wife and I went with napali kayak. They are a smaller outfit in hanelei but not small on quality. When I went only six people were on the tour which was great because we didn%26#39;t get lost in the crowd of larger outfit like kayak kauai. It was the highlight of our honeymoon, check out their website at have fun and definitley get the motion sickness patches from your doctor your stomach won%26#39;t feel a wave.

Kayak Kauai

I would recommend Napali Kayak. We went with Kayak Kauai, unfortunately. I have several reasons why I would not recommend this company.First, let me start by stating that I have done several adventure activiites in which I have had tour guides, so I am able to compare experiences. THe two tour guides ( I couldn%26#39;t even tell you their names) made NO effort to get to know our names- they never even asked. For safety reasons alone, I find it necessary that the guides know everyonesname. Also, since people are spending ALL day (6am-8pm) together it would be nice if they started the day by trying to build a rapport between themselves and the group. There was another company (Napali Kayak) who launched from the same beach 1/2 hour before us,left from the same beach after lunch at the same time as us, and landed at Poliahle 1/2 hour after us. This means they spent more time enjoying the sights, taking breaks, etc.WHen we launched we were told to paddle 50 yards out. One couple went before us, and we follwed them out. When the main guide got out there with us he yelled at us! ';Am I speaking the same language as you? I said 50 yards, not 100 yards! You just made it more dangerous for everyone! You have to listen!';. Great way to start off the trip! When the guides aren%26#39;t personable it affects the rest of the trip- it makes you more uncomfortable and less confident! I am going to shoot low here and say that about 1/4 of the time the one guide made a sail out of a large piece of fabric he had and held it to his oar. So, instead of paddling, he sailed! That was frustrating, especailly when you%26#39;re working so hard!!! When we started off the two guides said that one guide would be at the front of the group and the other guide at the back ( this is a basic safety strategy), at least half of the time they were both at the front or just not sandwiching the group between them. At one point a kayak flipped and the guides both had to paddle back to help them. While launching from the beach where we had lunch, we had to paddle between two large areas of coral. The guide said that if you flipped,which is very easy to do at this part, you would essentially be on a ';cheese grater'; (current/coral combo would skin you), the guide launched us without putting down our rudder, therefore we had very little control of the direction we went. When we got to Polihale Beach at he end of our trip, the other company was there to pick up the kayaks and the passengers with the van. We had to wait for our van for 15-20 min. GO WITH ANOTHER COMPANY!!!! You also could do this trip on your own over a couple of days if you have some kayaking and camping experience.

We leave Monday for Kauai and we have a trip planned with Kayak Kauai for Saturday. We have spent hours reading and researching, but after Kimeb%26#39;s blistering report we are starting to have doubts about using this company. We don%26#39;t feel like we can cancel our plans due to one bad report, so additional imput would be much appreciated. Thanks! OKIE

We used Kayak Kauai and thought they were great. One thing everyone considering this trip needs to remember is that you and your entire group will be completely at the mercy of mother nature. Therefore your exposure to risk is a little more intense than your typical tourist attraction. Once you pass Ke%26#39;e beach there is no turning back and you%26#39;re committed for another 15 miles of paddling. Our guides both were kind enough to take seasick passengers in their kayaks and ended up paddling solo most of the way while their passengers just sat there. The guides are responsible for the enjoyment and safety of the entire group and therefore they require everyone to listen to and follow instructions carefully. How well your group does this will have a lot to do with how everyone enjoys the day.

Here is the link to my review of our Na Pali kayaking trip.鈥?/a>

Scooops on the Kayak outfits.

We have kayaked most every river and stream on the Garden island.

And for Erica add in the Napali Coast.

KAYAK HANALEI: Wonerful owners/guides with Dave and Goldie.

These are very special and warm local people who you will absolutely love.

Yes, it is a tour, you will paddle up the Hanalei River with grand views of Mt. Waialeale, and lushness all around the peaceful river banks.

the out into hanalei bay, looking for turtrles and dolphins. Have we seen them, yes, but not every time that we have paddled up there.

( many times solo, but just the river and bay )

Now , your group paddles out past the princeville headland, and you are lead safely thru the beautiful coral reef to Hideaways Beach.

Pulling the kayaks up on to the sand, snorkeling the wonderful coral garden is next, and then you are treated to lunch and snacks.

Heading back, you will again be looking for Honu, and Mahana in the bay, and easily paddle to the original put in.

Dave, Goldie, their son, and the other guides are most personable and memorable. Great outfit, with lots of aloha, and lots of fun !



Another fun company, and Erica went with them on her 16 mile napali kayak. She loved it. Knew all the guides by name, and it was a close knit group.

Wont get into all of the details of her paddle, but everything was outstanding, in every way. This trip was already posted. Well worth checking out.



We have just rented and paddled / hiked to the falls on our own.

However, there are several different companies located in the Wailua area that will provide tours.

Actually, learning how to kayak properly is not a bad idea. 90% of the people I see paddling, have no clue about what they are doing.

If you are knowledgeable in kayaking , you understand what I am saying.

Actually, one tour with guides, somewhere on the island is a good idea.

It certianly will make your future kayak adventures much easier.

One company I really like is Kayak Adventures, and another you might try is Dukes. There are many, many more who handle the

wailua, including OUTFITTERS.



We do not take any tours with kayak kauai, but we do rent kayaks from them to paddle the Hanalei River, and Bay on our own.

Kayak Hanalei only takes tours, no solo rentals.

I certainly do agree with taking tours with people who are aware, friendly and show concern and aloha. No matter what type of activity.

Our hard earned cash, will not go to a company with an indifferent attitude. Nor will recommendations to our resort guests.

Excellent points brought up in the previous posts.



Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

I%26#39;ll give a big shout-out here to a friend of mine, Bobby, who works for Outfitters Kaua%26#39;i and leads the Na Pali coast trips -- he is 150% different from the guide you mentioned in your report -- I can%26#39;t imagine such behavior from a guide who is going to spend the day with you! The lack of safety you mentioned would be really worrysome as well.

Outfitters is friendly, very safety conscious, and has a great track record on the Na Pali coast -- All of their guides are great -- this year Bobby is the main guy for Na Pali tours and he is a super friendly guy who is absolutely the person I%26#39;d most want with me on a ocean kayak trip -- I have gone out with him several times (personally, not with a group) and I know that his attention to detail, safety measures and friendliness would be something that I%26#39;d pay for if I was to do the Na Pali trip.

They are headquartered here on the South Shore right on Po%26#39;ipu Road, across from the fire station.

Very well respected and have been around a long, long time!

Just another choice for you.

Malama Pono,


We will be on Kauai in November with our two girls, 8 %26amp; 10. I would like to kayak some of the rivers, probably not the ocean with the kids. Which river and company would you recommend that would also be good with the kids? If we did one tour would you think going out on our own would be OK? We have never kayaked before.


Kayaking in November with youngsters....

Please check the weather conditions, but one suggestion is the Hanalei river ( North Shore ). It is great the whole family, since it is a bit easier than paddling back down on the wailua. You can do this river without a guide. One yongster in each kayak. Do learn a bit about how to handle paddling, and getting back in should you huli. Everyone should have on life jackets. We wear them, and we have a lot of experience. Never huli%26#39;d, but you never know !

Also, there is a great paddle and hike on the Huleia River. (Nawiliwili area ). And what is neat, after the paddle up stream, and the easy walk thur the rain forest, and the swinging from the rope into into the pool , or river......get this.....they will have taken all of the kayaks back to the put in, and you all ride on a powered war canoe on the way back down stream. I think OUTFITTERS also does this, as well as one other company.

Totally family friendly.

No kayaking the rivers on SUNDAYS, so be aware of that for your planning.


I was reading up on the Kayak Napali website because we might

be interested in doing the 17 mile trip. Both of us have never kayaked and their website says you don%26#39;t need any kayaking experience ';per se';. I was wondering actually how true that statement really is?

bump! anyone?

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