Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kuhio Shores

There seems to be some negative comments about the construction around Kuhio Shores, and I would like to add my thoughts. We recently returned from staying at Kuhio Shores for one week and we noticed, of course, there was construction but it did not affect our stay there. Because this property is so close to the ocean the sound of waves blocked out any kind of noise the construction would make. I also noticed when the work was being done they, the contruction workers, try and spray water around to keep the dust down. The Kuhio Shores unit (217) we stayed in was very quiet and there wasn%26#39;t any noise from the other units. I would recommend Kuhio Shores to anyone.

Kuhio Shores

thanks! thats great to hear as we are staying there in october. i loved the location and just hoped i wouldnt regret it!

Kuhio Shores

lite -- I am glad you posted this. I went back and read all the recent reviews from Kuhio Shores, and some other condos in the area impacted by construction, and saw all very positive reviews, except for one, and NO ONE even mentioned the construction. I think some folks are being scared away from from nice properties because some are saying the ';sky is falling';.

I realize that driving past earth moving machinery and seeing dust screens is not very scenic. But once you get down to places like Kuhio Shores, which is just feet from the surf, I can%26#39;t imagine that you are going to be bothered.

So folks, give visitors a break. I think it is OK to tell that there is construction in the area, but some of the posts on this have been way overboard.

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

I%26#39;m sure that you must be referring to my posts on the construction in my area. I do take exception to the ';sky is falling'; comments as I think I have been trying hard to be objective with what I say.

I believe that I always say that my personal comments on the construction are my opinion and for people to make up their own minds about it. I try very hard to simply state the facts about what is going on and where and usually make a point to say that some visitors are not bothered by it, while others would be negatively impacted.

Since this is something that I see and deal with every day of my life, I feel that I can comment factually and give people timely information on -- as opposed to last week or last month. If I receive an update on the construction from a developer (as some have started sending out around the neighborhoods) I have been posting that information on the board as well -- i.e. blasting schedules, etc. I have not been elaborating on it.

I%26#39;m sorry if you believe that I have been unfair or scaring people away -- that is certainly not my intention -- I feel that it is better for folks to know about something beforehand, research it, and then make up their own minds about it.

Malama Pono,


Sorry Janet, there was no intent to offend you at all. I realize that you deal with the construction in the area every day. However, I also think we should look at the opinions of the people who are actually staying at these resorts too. If they are not bothered, that should tell us something. I just fear that people who don/t know what the area looks like at all will think that cranes are going to be operating right next to their bedroom windows. At least in the case of Kuhio Shores there is the buffer of the Lawai Beach Resort, the Prince Kuhio Condos, as well as Prince Kuhio Park.

And ofcourse, this is just my opinion too. However, I am less concerned about staying at Kuhio Shores now than I will be in a few years when there are 10,000 more people trying to use the already pretty crowded beaches in Poipu.


I too have posted comments on the contruction in the Poipu area. I think folks need as much information as possible before making their vacation plans. For some, this is their one and only time to Kauai! I would hate to see those people have a disappointing experience on a once in a life time trip. The construction bothered me and I return to the island at least once a year.



I have very much appreciated your updates on the construction. We stayed at Kuhio Shores in March when the screens were up and some digging had begun. It certainly did not affect us while we were at the condo, but any driving was certainly affected by single lane traffic and giant earth-moving machines.

Our daily walks that we%26#39;ve enjoyed on our last 4 stays in Kuhio Shores to either Spouting Horn or Poipu Village were also negatively affected. What used to be a relatively calm and peaceful walk, became like, well - walking through a construction zone!

Both points of view from visitors and residents need to be weighed by TA readers who can then make their own decisions.

Mahalo for sharing.

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

Mahalo for the last few postings -- I appreciate it!

I do try very hard not to be biased in my postings about the construction -- since I do have strong feelings about it, it isn%26#39;t easy and maybe I%26#39;m not always successful.

I do feel that it is important for people to have the information beforehand so that they can weigh it themselves and make the right decisions for them -- so I%26#39;ll keep updatings things either as they come along or as asked.

Malama Pono,


I too appreciate the updates on construction and do not feel you are trying to discourgage people from visiting the south shore. I kind of feel the same way when people tell TA readers to stay away from the north shore in the winter. It is not always so bad. This last winter was glorious.Just tell the pros and cons and let readers decide for themselves. There was a recent article in The Wall Street Journal about the power of TA. One thing they commented on was check and see if a poster writes frequently for the site. If you see a negative review or forum comment and that is all they have ever writtien you shouldn%26#39;t listen to them. TA is a tool for making informed decisions on your vacation plans. Janet is helping people make that decision based on her knowledge of the area and what is happening. She is there. She is living it. So again Janet thank you for taking the time to educate on us the coming and goings of the south shore, the good and the bad.

Does anyone have any idea as to how long the construction in the area is supposed to last? We are planning a trip in the beginning of December and wonder if the construction will still be an issue.

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

Well, I%26#39;m afraid that the closest construction project to Kuhio Shores would be the Kukui%26#39;ula Development project - this is being done in several phases and emcompasses the whole south shore area from Lawai Road all the way to the Tropical Botanical Gardens -- all of the land mauka of the road to there.

It is anticipated that full build-out I believe will take in excess of 10+ years for all the hotels, condos, luxury homes, golf courses, spas, and shopping villages.

I%26#39;m afraid it is a looong, looong haul ahead for all of us!

Malama Pono,


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