Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Time Shares

Is it worth it to sit in on time share presentations to get discounts on activities? I have heard that some of the sales people can be brutal. I am not opposed to seeing what%26#39;s available but don%26#39;t really intend to buy.

Any comments?



Time Shares

LOL, good question! We have attended quite a few presentations and have only had two aggressive salesmen, one in Sedona, Arizona and one on Kauai. The vast majority have been fun, friendly and did a good job. Is it worth the time to get the gift? Depends on your schedule. We do own 6 weeks of timeshare (3 on Kauai) and do pick up information on changes, etc. Of course that ';gift'; is always a bonus!

Time Shares

Trvlhawaii, you own 6. Do you get to use them every year? We are new to timeshares and already own 2 (one in Cancun and one in Lake Tahoe which is a sister resort to Hanelei Bay). The wife isn%26#39;t happy with me but hopefully it pays off. I was curious if I should get one directly in Kauai or just do my usual exchanges?

Yes, we do use all 6 weeks each year. Our Hawaii weeks are always on site--never trade those. The other 3 (all in Arizona) we do trade. One thing to keep in mind, is some Hawaii timeshares have a 4 year limit. If you don%26#39;t own there, you can exchange into it once every 4 years. We love timesharing--so many wondferful family memories!

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