Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Greens Tropical Beach House in Anahola?

We%26#39;re planning a trip to Kauai in December 2008, and are looking for a private beach house rental for 9-10 (including kids of assorted ages). Does anyone happened to have any information about the Greens%26#39; Tropical Beach House in Anahola? I%26#39;m getting a good vibe and the owner seems very cordial, but I thought it couldn%26#39;t hurt to find out if someone has personal experience I%26#39;d also welcome any tips regarding staying in this area in the winter.

Thank you!

Greens Tropical Beach House in Anahola?

December is generally not a downpour month but can be fairly rainy. In general, Anahola is a dry spot so you%26#39;d be minimizing your risk.

That is the beach we go to to walk. As the crow flies our house is about 1/4 mile max. The area is mixed. Some new build custom homes and some pretty funky looking local houses with junk piled all around. It%26#39;s not Princeville. That parking area across the road is very commonly used by local fishermen/women and their kids/dogs to camp out over night. People have been nothing but friendly to us but again, this is not a touristy area. Over the other side of the stream and down another 1/4 mile is a beach park that has had some issues with drug trafficking and the general crimes druggies get into (beating on each other etc). It%26#39;s not real frequent and truthfully Lydgate has the same reputation. Ditto Anini and the Pine Trees end of Hanalei.

Winter surf can be rough on the east side. You%26#39;ll be able to wade but no guarantee that the ocean will be safe for swimming/body surfing.

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