Thursday, April 19, 2012

Haleakala Sunrise & Drive to Hana...feasible in one day???

Is it feasible to drive to the summit to enjoy the sunrise before making the drive to Hana in the same day?

We are staying in Wailea. We will only be in Maui for a few days before heading to Kauai for the remainder of our honeymoon. Any insight you fellow Advisors may provide would be greatly appreciated!


Haleakala Sunrise %26amp; Drive to Hana...feasible in one day???

aloha, I would guess it is possible but it is truly alot to try to squish into one day. you would be exhausted. if you only have a few days on maui. I would forget the sunset unless it is on your first day here and are still on mainland time. you have to get up really early to make it in time. it is beautiful up on the crater, but so is the sunset and you don%26#39;t have to wake up early to see it or drive to it when you are in wailea. the road to hana is more about the stops along the way, looking at the waterfalls getting out and walking to a location. the drive is 52 miles and alot of it is full of switchbacks that you have to drive 8 miles an hour to be safe. it is a long windy drive to be sure. again it is not about hana town, it%26#39;s the places on the way to hana that make it special. it%26#39;s a hard drive if you get motion sick. beautiful for sure. get a cd that tells about all the special stops along the way if you go. iao valley has a nice rain forrest feeling and it is way easier to get to. or you could take your time and only go part way if it is taking too long. happy honeymoon you will love it no matter what

Haleakala Sunrise %26amp; Drive to Hana...feasible in one day???

Hothulamaui: thanks for the wonderful insight! I genuinely appreciate it.

We did both but reversed...Road to Hana first, started early approx 8 am.....enjoyed it, made many stops, and then turned around and went to Haleakala for sunset...we were racing up as the sun was setting..but we made it to the top in time! Was worth it!

Both drives (to the summit and to Hana) are tiring and require a very attentive, prudent, and alert driver. The drives are full of blind hairpin turns and the road is narrow. The Haleakala drive also has the added dimension of possible hordes of bike riders going down the mountain.

There was a one car accident with multiple fatalities on Haleakala about a week or two ago. The article said it was suspected the driver fell asleep or was distracted on the way down the mountain.

For safety%26#39;s sake, and to make sure you don%26#39;t rush through either activity, I would say do not try to do both the same day. Both drives are definitely worth it, but you have to be careful.

Many thanks to all of you! I actually hadn%26#39;t considered doing both in the reverse order than I previously had mentioned above so that has me thinking...

...and I certainly will make safety a priority.

If you had to choose between one or the other due to time constraints, which one would you do? Sunrise or Hana??


Rooster22 writes;

Is it feasible to drive to the summit to enjoy the sunrise before making the drive to Hana in the same day?

We are staying in Wailea. We will only be in Maui for a few days before heading to Kauai for the remainder of our honeymoon.

First, congrats on the marriage :)

Second, yes, it%26#39;s do-able but you will be driving all day, and it%26#39;s not fun driving. I%26#39;m a driver, love to drive, but those two things on the same day would kick anybody%26#39;s butt ~

Plus, and I may get bashed for this ~~ I am a Kauai lover and I think north Kauai has beautiful countryside much like the road to Hana, only it%26#39;s a shorter drive ~ Very very beautiful ~ And yes, I love Maui too :)

Happy planning :)

hI rooster

it can be pulled off but the one factor we%26#39;re forgetting here is SLEEP!

The sunirse trip i sgoing to start at either 2 or 3 am if you drive it or have a tour pick you up-then you get back to your hotel at 11am then trek to Hanna?If did it i%26#39;d book it as a two tour or combo tour.

good luck

I agree with Mex! It%26#39;s a LOT to do in one day...and I am the active traveler type. (We hiked, biked down Haleakala, went horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming every day on our trip...and also stayed 3 nights in Hana.)

Getting to Haleakala in time for sunrise required leaving the area near the airport (north side) around 4am. Most people leave the Kaanapali area between 3am and 3:30am, to get up to the top on time.

The road to Hana (one way) takes 3-6 hrs, depending on how often you stop to take photos or hike or see waterfalls. Now double that if not staying overnight in Hana...and it%26#39;s 6-12 hours of driving.

Yes, anything is possible and can be done...but do you really want to?!

I would, if anything, go for one or the other...or both but skip the sunrise rush.

Happy honeymoon!!

Again, many thanks for the gracious sentiments and useful advice. Everyone has been so helpful.

I%26#39;ve made up my mind to drive to Hana since we%26#39;ll have a convertible in Maui, and pass on the Heleakala sunrise this time.

Mahalo! will LOVE the road to Hana in that car! We had the same and it was awesome!!!

  • beauty
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