Saturday, April 21, 2012

Volcanic flow

Is it possible to see the lava flowing into the ocean any other way than in a helicopter?

Volcanic flow

The lavaflow changes daily and since the last earthquake you can%26#39;t see the lava flowing into the ocean at all. Prior to that event, you could take a helo/plain tour or drive to the end of the Chain of Craters Road and hike about 3-4 miles over bare lava to be at a viewing point that was still about a mile from the lavaflow.

Volcanic flow

and to add to that ... the reason you cannot approach any closer by land is that the volcano makes new land which is very unstable. It is called a bench, and every so often, some 40 acres of the land around the ocean entry falls into the ocean with a crash and large lethal splash -- such as kills anyone in the vicinity.

And yet, people go out there.

But right now the flow is not happening anyway.

Aloha gueenslandlandy,

When will you be coming to visit? Things can change on a dime these days at the volcano!

There is no lava entering the ocean at this time. There was a pause in the eruption in June then on July 2 the lava returned but is only in Pu%26#39;u O%26#39;o crater. Check this website for updates:

(Check out the Pu%26#39;u O%26#39;o camera link at night for spectacular views of the lava.)

Many thanks to all you locals for your information, we will be in Hilo on Nov 24th, as you all said, conditions change constantly, so nearer the time we will have to make a decision, do we go on a copter flight or go to the Volcano%26#39;s National Park, I am really un-decided, would love to do the copter flight, but would also would love to see the Lava Tubes and the ride around the rim, cant afford to do both un-fortunatly!! we were in Hilo last year and went on tour called Land Of Frozen Fire, went to where lava flow had crossed roads, then walked across the lava to the black sand beach then around the coast for coastal scenery, it was all really beautiful, but we would like to do something different this time. Any suggestions will be gratefully recieved, any thoughts on is it worth doing helicopter flight ,and if so, is one better than others?Once again, thanks to you all.

queenslandlady, admission to the park - for the lava tube and driving around the crater, steam vents, Jaggar Observatory, etc, - is only $10.

If you can possibly afford it.. take the Helicopter ride!. I did one back in 2003 and I still talk about it. I went through a company called Blue Hawaiian. The information given by the pilot was facinating. You could also buy a copy of the actual tour and commentry on Video afterwards too.

I was fortunate in 2003, we were also able to walk right up to the lava flows.. Last year I went back and could only see the steam off the water as the lava entered some miles away.

I%26#39;m heading back AGAIN in a week.. I fear this time I might not be able to see anything, even though things are so active at the moment.. Such is Madame Pele! ;)

there is in reality very little difference in the helos..... prices vairy from 170 to 220 for the same route a 45-50 min ride ( 35 min of which is spent flying to and from the volcano .....18 20 min flight each way)

and no, it is not possible to see any active lava at this time by anyother means than by aircraft.. all the walking routes or hiking routes have been closed by the national park and the state to all.

BUT.... there is way more than lava in the park.....way more When you arrive get a rental car and drive 45 min to the National Park and go to the new visitor center.....spend some time there,... dont run through.... great film to... it will take about 3 to 6 more hours to tour the park and return to Hilo.

If I can drive in Melbourne and down the ocean road.... you can drive in Hilo !!!!

From your post it appears you will be on a cruise.... and if so will it stop in Kona ?

The reason I ask is if it does, then save your money for a Big Island circle island fix wing aircraft tour of the whole 300 mile coast , lava if any and waterfalls, beaches reefs etc.. 2 hours cost 240-290 and way better than a helo in my experience Big Island Air at the Kona airport is best.

cheers and no worries

My wife and I are at the park now. There is no flowing or visible lava anywhere in the park. The surface lava that is flowing is outside the park, in an inaccessible area.

Don%26#39;t let this stop you from coming though, the sights are amazing.

Queenslandlady, I would most definitely tour the park but I would also take a helo tour if you can arrange to do both. The park is amazing and well worth the time it will take to drive Chain of Craters of Road, stopping along the way to look at things. There%26#39;s no other place like it. The helo tour is also well worth it. Whether there is lava flowing or not doesn%26#39;t matter. Granted, flowing lava is pretty dramatic but you might be able to see red molten lava down inside vents as you fly over. The helo pilots know where any activity might be and will take you there. But there%26#39;s so much more to the BI than just red lava. You%26#39;ll love the helo tour. Try to schedule a morning flight.

queensland lady. do see the park. I didnt go on a heli tour, at least not in volcano park, but the tour of the park was sooo good. we went from kona though and had the most awesome guide. he showed us all the different types of lava formations, and you wouldnt believe that rock could look like hair until you see it for yourself.

Are you just on a cruise or staying over?

one thing about the park that you mentioned though. the lave tubes. truly they are weak compared to ours in undara. they are really short, and the one the public gets to walk through has lights all alonag it. Our guide took us into the other one, fenced off, and we used torches. it was much better.

the rest of the park is awesome and not to be missed. we had lunch on a rock looking at where the lave enters the ocean, though it sounds like you cant see that anymore. it was after the quake though, in Jan this year. but the craters and the steam are really good to see.

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