Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 days on Hawaii

Not counting arrival and departure we have 2 full days. How do we make the best use of our time? Staying in Kona. Can we drive the island in a day?

2 days on Hawaii

NO un less you are counting 24 hour days

it takes a full 2 days as there is no single loop road... it is a combination of several

day 1:

Kona-place of refuge-coffee country-black sand beach- volcano- drive through hilo no stop- Akaka falls- scenic road- wiapio overlook-waimea-kona via 11-19 and 190 hiways 50% of island 12 to 13 hours of which 7 to 8 will be driving the 300 miles to see the park alone would take 5 to 6 hours... just driving the loops and side roads.... its bigger than big... way more than lava...way more

day 2

Kona to Waimea to Hawi to pololu to Kohala to Waikoloa beach toKona about 30% of island 7 to 8 hours of which 5 will be driving

I have omitted air tours, ocean tours, snorkeling, luaus,beach time.

In such a short time I would:

a. take the circle island air tour and see what you want to return to the next day........ then head for Kahalulu beach or Body glove in on a for snorkeling and some beach time. Plan on coming back a normal minimum here is 6 to 7 days..... some towns and sights are 100 miles apart.........all on 2 lane roads 25 to 55 speeds

Distance here means zip....its all about time you will be dong excellent to average 35 mph.

2 days on Hawaii

You can but you will ';drive by everything and see nothing.'; Pick a couple of things to enjoy.

If your heart is set on seeing SOME of VNP, that would be one long (13 hour) day--7 hours driving to and from VNP without stops. You would be able to see the Hamakua Coast along the way, maybe stop at one waterfall and the Waipio overlook, then drive crater rime drive, maybe a hike or 2 (Kilauea Iki, Devastation trail are good ones), Thurston lava tube. The visible lava is not visible from earth surface in the park at present, I believe.

An alternative for this day would be to drive north to Kohala, enjoy some of the fine beaches, see the hstoric sights (heiau, Lapakahi), go to hawi for lunch (charming town), drive to Pololu Overlook (lush area like Hamakua). You could go down into Pololu if you wanted and walk on the black sand beach (not swimmable).

The second day you could take in some of Kailua town if you want to shop, go down to Place of refuge and see the coffee country.


Please let us know your interests and we will do our best to put something together for a suggested itinerary

Good luck and happy travels!

If you click on a posters name then message you can personal message them. Interests, driving ability, comfort are all things to consider besides coming back when you have more time. Traffic jams, time of year (amount of daylight) also come into play. Pm the guys above me as they will be of more help. Give em info like interests etc but also include types of food you prefer. Lots to do in fact too much.

hi frozensnowman, while I appreciate you recommending the regulars, I know for myself and a couple of the local experts that we have gotten way too many PM%26#39;s about itineraries to answer. We decided to only do travel advice in the forums where many can read one answer. (not sure how echolynch feels about that though).

I too suggest you post your interests, particularly whether you want to get out on the water, in the water, on the beach, prefer driving or actual activities, and whether VNP is important to you. Also your rough age and who is coming with you. And your budget, whether you want to spring for anything like a snorkel tour or a helo or fixed wing tour.

I agree with KK... we at TA want as many folks to benifit from the questions many ask. Tats the reason for the forum

And if you search many of the questions you have already posed you might just find then already answered. try it !!!

if not ask it but be very specific as to budget, tastes interests.... others will be listening

use the TA format on restauraunts, hotels, activites to get a grasp of what might interest you first....

Planning a personal trip is what professional travel agents and concierge services and they come with charges. We all here work for free... and are not seeking a new source of income..

So please only contact a TA island Expert if it is an extremely important and personal topic.... Like you%26#39;d hit the lotto and want to share or include us in your will, put us on title to your home or yacht or airpalne. (no marriage proposals ...... sorry Brittany)

Oops I blundered, sorry.

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