Thursday, April 12, 2012

game bird hunting on Kauai - outfitters / guides???

looking for information on doing any game bird hunting on Kauai - upland game birds / waterfowl / pheasant / turkey, etc. my husband went hunting on the Big Island with Patrick Fischer at Parker Ranch, and had an awesome experience. Would like to do some hunting on Kauai as well, but we are having trouble finding an outfitter or guide service that he could go with. We know from looking at the DNR site for the state that there are many huntable birds on the island, but are not familiar with the areas that are available to hunt on, etc. . If anyone has any information or leads for us to try, we would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks much!

game bird hunting on Kauai - outfitters / guides???

Will this killing be for food or just because it%26#39;s there?

Why woud you want to go to paradise and kill living creatures that only add to the beauty of the earth? Surely, if you can afford to got to Kaua%26#39;i you can afford to purchase your food.

Sorry, i can%26#39;t support this.

game bird hunting on Kauai - outfitters / guides???

sorry...........Dr. Kevorkian, huh.......seems a bit of an odd name for someone concerned about living things!?!? he is very much environmentally conscious - and no, he does not ';kill them because they are there';.

Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

While I don%26#39;t agree with hunting either, I will tell you this in the spirit of ';aloha'; -- I have never heard of any visitor oriented guide service that takes you bird hunting here on Kaua%26#39;i.

The only type of birds on this island I%26#39;ve ever heard of being hunted (legally that is) would be pheasants -- and that is done mostly by local folk -- they are popular for making the feather hatbands to wear on your papale (hat).

To my knowledge there isn%26#39;t any such service here -- also we don%26#39;t have any turkeys here (no jokes please!) and a good majority of our birds (even wild chickens) are protected by law.

Malama Pono,


Is this a joke???

I think you will only find a guide for boar hunting. I recall seeing them a while back. Possibly it was alink from the DNR.

This is not a forum to bash peoples sports and hobbies. A simple question was asked and if you could not answer..then don%26#39;t.

I guess some people would rather pay somebody to kill their food for them.

thank you!

I don%26#39;t know of any professional hunting guides. I do have acquaintances that hunt pig in a big way and we do have pheasant about in number.

Keep in mind this is a state where guns must be registered. You can%26#39;t just fly in with a gun I don%26#39;t believe. You%26#39;d need a police permit to possess one. I%26#39;ve no idea how that works if an outfitter provides a gun how that would work.

Try e-mailing the people that run the Niihau helicopter tours. The G%26amp;R crowd do organize goat/sheep hunting IIRC.

Maybe if you call Parker ranch and explain you will be visiting another island they might be able to give you some names of people that will guide them hunting.

go to Kauai to enjoy the scenery and the locals, not kill things

seems like savage amusement to enjoy killing on a vacation

unless you eat vegan it%26#39;s hard to get up on too high a horse. Why is hunting different than fishing? I only hunt/fish in the meat market but you can%26#39;t pretend that that meat sprang from the ether in a plastic tray.

Some might argue that hiking in the sensitive back country is damaging the island (and it obviously is in places). Or having such a crush of people that pristine beaches were developed with massive resorts such as the Hyatt, Sheraton, Marriot, Princeville etc was destructive. That rental cars clog our roads and make life difficult.

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