Thursday, April 12, 2012

Help with timing on Gazebo, Hwy 340, Swapmeet.....Mahalo TA!

We are planning our second trip to Maui this year and want to do the Highway 340 drive. We would like to hit The Gazebo for breakfast, and then do the Hwy 340 drive and end up at the Kahului swapmeet. Would this be possible? What time does The Gazebo open..... and would it be open early enough for us to have breakfast..... do the drive and have some time at the swapmeet. Thanks in advance for the help I know I will get!!!!

Help with timing on Gazebo, Hwy 340, Swapmeet.....Mahalo TA!

The Gazebo opens at 7:30 am but according to others, you%26#39;ll want to get there by 7 am to be at the front of the long line. You should be fine in terms of getting to the swap meet.

Help with timing on Gazebo, Hwy 340, Swapmeet.....Mahalo TA!

Definitely arrive early at the Gazebo as lines tend to grow and the wait is often 90 minutes and more. Still, depending on how many stops you make across 340 (the blow hole, and especially for some banana bread), you should still be able to get in to Kahalui in plenty of time.

If you are concerned for time, though, consider breakfast at the Seahouse on the opposite end of Napili Bay. They open at 7am and their new chef has added some incredible breakfast options. And there are no lines!

There%26#39;s a swap meet in Kahului at the post office on Saturday, but there is also something (not sure if it%26#39;s called a swap meet) at the college on Friday. I know the Kahului event lasts till 3pm.

Remember the Maui Swap Meet in Kahului is only a morning event, and it is better to arrive there by 8 or 9 when it is cooler and there is more to choose from at the produce and fruit stands. It closes anytime between noon and 1; some vendors may pack up closer to noon. You want to allow at least an hour to peruse all the goodies.

Also do NOT forget the sunscreen; worst burn I got was at Swap Meet on a hot sunny morning at 10 ... even with my hat on.

I don%26#39;t like to rush through west Maui because of the increased people and car traffic -alto may not be too bad before 8 am, but in Lahaina there are the early AM boat tour folks walking around - pays to go slow and be careful. Give yourself plenty of time. If going 30, drive time guides say it takes at least 50 minutes from Ka%26#39;anaapali to Kahului; would not go the back way on 340 unless you had several hours due to that one section of road with no guard rails, one lane, no shoulders, steep or no shoulders.

There are MANY great places for breakfast -- and we usually eat at the Swap Meet. I might try something else and do Gazebo on another morning ...or for lunch, they serve their full menu all day I believe; not as crowded for mid morning or lunch; could still order pancakes.

Head to Swap Meet first and then maybe the long way around back to west Maui.

My wife and I went to the Gazebo on the morning of our 340 drive as well... (did not hit the swap meet though...)

We got to The Gazebo at about 8AM. there were about 25 people in line, but they were all groups of 4+. So we were seated immediately. I had the Mac. Nut pancakes, portuguese sausage and about 6 gallons of POG juice. Everything was very good. Would I wait in line for 30-40 minutes? No.

We left Napili at about 8:45 and took our time on 340. We had done Hana on previous trips, and in all honesty, I think I enjoyed the West drive more. Not so much the views, etc, but the seclusion and raw beauty were outstanding. If I remember right, we pulled into Kahalui at about 1:30. However, we stopped at every lookout, stopped at 90% of the sites pointed out in Maui Revealed, got shave ice and talked to the woman for about 15 minutes, got bannana nut bread (A MUST!!), and then stopped at the jewley, nick-nack store near the end of the drive for about 30 mnutes. (My wife got a really cool handmade bracelet fashioned like sailor knots made with sterling silver.. it was expensive, but she has gotten tons of comments on it).

I think this drive is easier than it is past Hana, the road is paved all the way, however, it is one lane in several sections with a huge drop and no guard rail. At one point we had four cars heading east and a truck was coming west. We had to back all four cars up about 200 yards with a 500 ft drop on our left. Took us about 20 minutes, but it was pretty comical and the guy in the truck was hilarious. Everytime we tried to move on, another car would come, eventually a guy in the lead car had to run up to the turn and direct traffic... Not that there is any ';traffic'; per se, since we only saw 4 other cars going in our direction the whole day, and maybe 3 dozen going other way..

It is a great drive, have fun!!!

Mahalo for all the suggestions, we will definitely take them into consideration and maybe rearrange our plans a little. We will only be on Maui for a week this trip and my friend’s mom is joining us and we want her to see all the reasons we love Maui so much, so we are trying to fit everything in! What time would you all suggest starting the Hwy 340 drive if we skipped the breakfast – we don’t want to miss the banana bread!!!

Linka… I agree with you about the sunscreen we both got a little sunburn at the swap meet last time we were there.

jvoll... I think I remember reading this information in your TR, you made the drive sound fun and well worth it even if it gets a little scarry at some points.... maybe it would be better to make it on an empty stomach! We definately want the banana bread and I know my friend%26#39;s mom will want to stop for a little shopping. Thanks again to everyone!

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