Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sealodge in November, weather and beach questions?

Hello...our family is heading to Sealodge for three weeks in November.

1. Will it rain and be cloudy all the time?

2. What beaches WILL be safe and fun to go with our baby?

3. is it worth our while to go to the more touristy southshide?

Sealodge in November, weather and beach questions?

I am travelling to Princeville in late November/early December, and have done lots of research on this topic. From the info I have gathered, I am expecting there to be semi-frequent periods of light rain and clouds, with a thunderstorm here and there. I have heard that most of the N. shore beaches can be dangerous (big waves and heavy undertows) in the winter months. But I have also heard many people mention that Anini Beach, which is very large, is usually safe year round. Many folks who appreciate the beauty of Kauai, seem to prefer the North shore. I know many folks personally who have stayed on the North Shore, and visit the south shore twice during there trip. It seems to work well for them. Good luck!!

Sealodge in November, weather and beach questions?

In reference to your child I would look in Lydgate Park and the small beach area there. Poipu would be a good spot too. Spend the day down south as the traffic coming back is so bad and you don%26#39;t want to keep going up and down the highway every other day.

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